Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Medicine and Health Sciences Blog

The Medicine and Health Sciences Blog has now transferred to the following address:

Thursday, 4 February 2010

New Book Arrivals - January 2010

A listing of all new book arrivals for January 2010 is now available. It includes new titles purchased in the medical, health sciences and nursing subject areas, and also includes new E-book acquisitions. To view, click on the link "New Book Arrivals" on the right hand menu.

Friday, 8 January 2010

New Book Arrivals - December 2009

A listing of all new book arrivals for December 2009 is now available. It includes new titles purchased in the medical, health sciences and nursing subject areas, and also includes new E-book acquisitions. To view click on the link "New Book Arrivals" on the right hand menu.

Monday, 14 December 2009

JISC National eBooks Observatory project: final reports

The reports generated by the NeBO project are now available on the JISC website at:

Background from the site:
"In 2007 the JISC national e-books observatory project was set up to undertake market research to help e-book publishers, aggregators, libraries and funding bodies understand the behaviours of e-book users and to assess the impact of free at-the-point of use course text e-books on traditional print sales to students. The huge amount of empirical data gathered through the Observatory project will help all of us to take informed decisions based on real evidence rather than assumptions. The data is available for all to use and we hope that by sharing the data, we encourage further collaboration and the development of new ideas and solutions that meet the needs and expectations of users."

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Trial to Springer Image databases

Through our current subscription to images.MD , the online medical images library, we have set up a trial to the whole Springer Image database which offers more than 1.7 million images spanning science, technology and medicine, in an online collection of photos, graphs, histograms, figures and tables. Search captions, keywords, context and more, even jumping from image to source article. Users can create personalized image “sets” and export images for use in presentations or lectures.
Access the database through the eLibrary Gateway or, on campus, directly at SpringerImages and explore the potential for your research and teaching. Please feedback your views on this service to the blog or to the library staff.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Film and Sound Online

The following films have been added to Film & Sound Online this month and can be accessed along with other Wellcome Film titles.
Note: films marked with an asterisk (*) are medically restricted.

Collection: Wellcome Film
A Question of confidence
A question of balance
A way with warbles
An introduction to NMR theory
Mosquitoes and malaria
On leprosy
Paste dosing
* The organic acidaemias
* The role of prostaglandins in the inflammatory response of the skin Venomous snakes - medical aspects
Vision: the structure of the eye.
* What is a spastic?

A list of previously added films can also be found at - http://www.filmandsound.ac.uk/updates.shtml

Friday, 13 November 2009

Staffing update

Following the departure of Rachael Adair to Lincoln College, Ruth Curtis has been appointed Faculty Team Librarian, Derby Medical School Library on a two year fixed term contract. Ruth has previously worked in the JCG, George Green and Greenfield Medical Libraries and she has worked at Derby Medical School Library since it opened in 2003. Ruth brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this post and she will be a valuable addition to the Medicine and Health Sciences Team.