Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Students’ Use of Research Content in Teaching and Learning (2009)

This Report from UCLAN (University of Central Lancashire) to the JISC provides a snapshot of student research behaviour. It considers how students identify, access and use research and concludes that:
•Students are aware of the qualitative distinction between published research and general internet sites
•Students are not generally sophisticated in their understanding of peer-review
• Students are very reliant on library catalogues, databases and staff advice
• Students’ perception of research is led by the context of their assignments
• Students are reluctant to approach their tutor directly for advice on what research content to access
• Very few students identify undergraduate or postgraduate dissertations as research content

The report ends with a ten point action plan of recommendations put forward to the JISC, which includes the recommendation that ‘HEIs should be encouraged to invest significantly in improving information literacy for all students’.