Monday, 7 September 2009

SciFinder developments - Open session 9th September 10.30 Chemistry XI

An open session detailing recent enhancements to SciFinder (Chemical Abstracts and Medline) is to be held on Wednesday 9th September at 10.30 am in Chemistry Lecture Theatre XI.

SciFinder is relevant to biochemists as well as chemists and one enhancement in particular is the Web version of SciFinder, launched in 2008. The session is also an opportunity to ask questions of Vikki Vowles, our CAS contact, and so please come along bringing your queries, suggestions and wants.

The session will last about an hour including time for questions.


EcoSal is an information service for researchers on E. Coli and Salmonella which aims to be a comprehensive archive of knowledge on the enteric bacterial cell. EcoSal is continually expanded, updated, and revised and comprises several hundred modules of information containing links to graphics and active databases of primary research information. A link has been added to the Biomedical Sciences and Molecular Medical Sciences categories on the eLibrary Gateway.